5mm 3K Koolstofvesel Plat vel Glans/Mat
Kort Detail
Keper / Plain
Dunste: 0,2 mm
Dikste: 30 mm
Gereelde: 400*500mm
Ander grootte: 200*300mm
500*600mm of pasgemaak
Produk beskrywing:
Die keuse van Toray- of Tairyfil-koolstofveselmateriaal wat van Janpan of Tain oorgedra word.
Elke koolstofvesel fineer is vervaardig met 'n enkele laag hoë sterkte 100% koolstofvesel prepreg met 0/90 vesel oriëntasie.
45 grade is beskikbaar op grond van jou behoefte.
Spesiale tegnologie verseker die foutlose glans aan beide kante.
Maksimum grootte is 1000 * 1500 mm, dikte is tot 15 mm.
Bied CNC-snydiens gebaseer op jou tekening, teken NDA-ooreenkoms om geheim te hou van jou ontwerp .
Let wel: Die toleraan van dikte sal 'n bietjie groter wees

5mm Carbon Fibre Sheets
-- are commonly used in various parts of drone frames, including the bottom plate, top plates, arms, and side plates. Here are some of the applications of 5mm carbon fiber sheets in these parts:
Bottom Plate: The bottom plate is the main structural component of the UAV/FPV/drone frame that provides support for the other components. 5mm carbon fiber sheets are often used as the bottom plate because they are strong enough to support the weight of the motors, battery, and other electronics while remaining lightweight. The stiffness of carbon fiber also helps to prevent flexing of the frame during flight, which can affect stability and maneuverability.
Top Plates: Top plates are used to protect the electronics and other components on the top of the drone frame. 5mm carbon fiber sheets are often used for this purpose because they provide a strong and rigid surface that can withstand impact and vibration. The stiffness of carbon fiber also helps to reduce the chances of damage to the components due to flexing or bending of the frame.
Arms: The arms of a drone frame connect the motors to the body of the drone. 5mm carbon fiber sheets are commonly used for the arms because they provide a strong and lightweight structure that can handle the stresses of flight. The stiffness of carbon fiber also helps to reduce the amount of flexing or vibration in the arms, which can improve the stability of the drone during flight.
Overall, the use of 5mm carbon fiber sheets in drone frames offers several advantages, including increased durability, improved flight performance, and reduced weight, which can lead to longer flight times and improved maneuverability. By using carbon fiber sheets in various parts of the drone frame, manufacturers can create a high-performance drone that is both strong and lightweight.