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Kry prys

Dankie vir die indiening!

Kort Detail






Keper / Plain




Dunste: 0,2 mm

Dikste: 30 mm



Gereelde: 400*500mm

Ander grootte: 200*300mm

500*600mm of pasgemaak

Produk beskrywing:

  • Die keuse van Toray- of Tairyfil-koolstofveselmateriaal wat van Janpan of Tain oorgedra word.

  • Elke koolstofvesel fineer is vervaardig met 'n enkele laag hoë sterkte 100% koolstofvesel prepreg met 0/90 vesel oriëntasie.

  • 45 grade is beskikbaar op grond van jou behoefte.


  • Spesiale tegnologie verseker die foutlose glans aan beide kante.

  • Maksimum grootte is 1000 * 1500 mm, dikte is tot 15 mm.

  • Bied CNC-snydiens gebaseer op jou tekening, teken NDA-ooreenkoms om geheim te hou van jou ontwerp .

  • Let wel: Die toleraan van dikte sal 'n bietjie groter wees

Carbon fiber foam core panel,carbon fiber plate manufacturer in China
carbon fiber wood core board,custom made CFRP composites sheet
carbon fiber aluminum sheet.CF plates manufacturer and supplier-Acen
Flame Retardant fiberglass nomex core Composite Sheet,aramid honeycomb sheet manufacturer and supplier


PVC / PMI skuim

Koolstofvesel houtkernbord 

Balsa hout

Koolstofvesel aluminiumplaat

AL heuningkoek

Veselglas Nomex saamgestelde vel

Aramid papier heuningkoek - vlamvertrager




  • Optimale styfheid-tot-gewig-verhouding

  • Goeie impaksterkte 

  • Water weerstand

  • Termiese isolasie

  • Hoë weerstand teen moegheid.

  • Goeie vuurvertonings.

  • Digtheid: 60 kg/m3 


  • Hoë spesifieke sterkte en hoë spesifieke modulus   _cc781905-5cde-31954-6_bad5-b3d

  • hoë temperatuurstabiliteit en goeie drukweerstand

  • Hoë sluitingskoers: 95%-98% sluitingskoers

  • Hoë porositeit en waterdrukweerstand

  • Goeie klank isolasie, hitte isolasie en vog isolasie

  • Hoë ligoordrag

  • Digtheid: 51 kg/m3 


die strukturele eienskappe van uretaanskuim

erts is dalk nie geskik vir meer veeleisende nie

toepassings, word hulle wyd gebruik om te bou

dikte, skep seksie-vorms, vir hul

isolerende eienskappe en vir flotasie.


  • Uitstekende chemiese weerstand—weerstand teen oplossings, koolwaterstowwe, swak sure, ens.

  • Goeie meganiese eienskappe - hoë skuifsterkte en hoë druksterkte

  • Kan tot 180 ℃ harsharding eksotermiese temperatuur in 'n kort tyd verduur

  • Uitstekende FST (vuur, rook en gif) prestasie

Balsa houtkern

  • Hoë sterkte en styfheid tot gewig verhouding

  • Wye bedryfstemperatuurreeks

  • Goeie chemiese weerstand

  • Hoë impakweerstand

  • Uitstekende vogweerstand

  • Uitstekende klankabsorpsie en termiese isolasie

  • Digtheid: 150 kg - 170 kg/m³

Nomex Armid Paper Heuningkoek kern

  • Uitstekende vlamweerstand en selfdovend

  • Hoë sterkte-tot-gewig verhouding 

  • Hoë temperatuur vermoëns

  • Maklik gevorm om te vorm

  • Korrosiebestandheid teen water, olie en brandstof

  • Goeie diëlektriese eienskappe

  • Digtheid: 48 kg/m³

PP Heuningkoekkern

  • Hoë sterkte tot gewig verhouding

  • Klankisolasie en hitte-isolasie

  • Korrosie-, swamme, verrotting, chemiese en vogbestand

  • goeie elektriese isolasie en lae diëlektriese konstante

  • Digtheid: 80 kg/m³



  • Hoë sterkte en styfheid tot gewig verhouding

  • Korrisieweerstand

  • Vlam weerstand

  • Goeie vogweerstand

  • Goeie klankabsorpsie 

  • Anti-vibrasie

PMI het 'n hoë spesifieke sterkte en 'n hoë spesifieke modulus. Die trek-, druk-, buig- en skuifsterkte en -modulus is baie beter as dié van ander skuim of ligte houtkerne, soos PVC, PU, PET, en is isotropies. Dit kan sterkte verbeter, styfheid verbeter en gewig verminder. PMI-skuimkerne het  hoofsaaklik gebruik in saamgestelde onderdele met hoër werkverrigting soos helikopter-rotorlemme, rolroers en stringer-profiele in drukskotte, hoëspoed-opleiers , mediese toerusting, radome en antennas.
AssebliefKontak Onsvrylik indien enige spesiale vereistes van koolstofvesel toebroodjie paneel het

Projects from our clients


Carbon Fiber Sandwich Panels

We offer a wide range of carbon fiber sandwich sheets made with advanced materials like PVC, PMI, aluminum/PP, and Aramid honeycomb cores.

Our carbon fibre sandwich sheets are made by sandwiching high-quality carbon fiber skins between various core materials, creating a composite material that offers exceptional strength, stiffness, and durability. Our range of core materials includes:

  • PVC: PVC foam is a lightweight, closed-cell foam that offers excellent thermal insulation and acoustic properties. It is a popular core material for sandwich sheets used in marine and aerospace applications.

  • PMI: PMI foam is a high-performance core material that provides excellent strength and stiffness while remaining lightweight. It is often used in sandwich sheets for aerospace and automotive applications.

  • Aluminum/PP: Aluminum and polypropylene honeycomb cores offer excellent strength-to-weight ratios and are commonly used in sandwich sheets for the transportation industry.

  • Aramid honeycomb: Aramid honeycomb cores are exceptionally strong and lightweight, making them ideal for applications that require high strength and stiffness while reducing weight.

Our carbon fiber sandwich sheets are available in various thicknesses, sizes, and shapes to meet your specific requirements. We can also customize the sheets to your desired specifications, making them suitable for any application.

Some of the benefits of using our carbon fiber sandwich sheets include:

  • High strength-to-weight ratio: Our sandwich sheets are incredibly lightweight, making them perfect for applications that require high strength and stiffness while reducing weight.

  • Impact resistance: The use of core materials like PVC, PMI, and Aramid honeycomb provides excellent impact resistance, reducing the likelihood of damage due to collisions or other impacts.

  • Corrosion resistance: Carbon fiber is naturally resistant to corrosion, making our sandwich sheets ideal for use in harsh environments.

Our team of experts is always available to answer any questions you may have about our products and to assist you in choosing the right carbon fiber sandwich sheet for your specific application. 

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